Build elite customer service skills.
Get one useful tip per week. Use it to stay sharp or share with your team.
Join 11,809 customer service pros. Sent on Mondays.
About Jeff
Hi, I’m Jeff Toister, The Service Culture Guide.
The first customer I ever served ended in a service failure. Vowing to learn from that experience, I became obsessed with customer service.
Today, I guide leaders who want to build customer-focused teams.
Why weekly tips?
I’ve spent more than 30 years as a customer service trainer. During that time, I learned that long, boring training programs don’t work.
Think about how you learn your most useful skills. You:
Search for one specific tip or technique.
Apply it immediately.
Customer Service Tip of the Week is built around that principle. Each week, I’ll send you one insanely useful tip you can use right away.
It works. Really well. So good that Global Gurus ranked it the #3 customer service training program in the world.