I sent a "fire and forget" email to Dyson's customer service department last week. Fire and forget as in, "I fired off the email" and then "I forgot I sent it". Their response came almost a week later, which got me thinking. What is the appropriate amount of time to respond to a customer service email?
The ultimate answer is faster than the customer expects, since outstanding service is defined as exceeding customer expectations. That may sometimes be tough to do, especially since not all customers are reasonable, so I'm wondering what people feel is standard?
I'll do some research and get back to you, but please leave me your comments in the meantime. Or, email your ideas to me if you prefer: jeff@toistersolutions.com.
By the way, here's my exchange with Dyson:
From Jeff Toister, sent on February 18:
Dear Dyson, Inc.:
I love my new Dyson vacuum cleaner. I didn`t enjoy trying to register it on your website. Why is it necessary to create an account, complete with login and password?
~Jeff Toister
From Dyson, sent on February 24:
Thank you for contacting us!
Creating an account will allow for you to order directly from our website without having to re-enter all of your demographic information.
If you prefer not to create an account I will be happy to register the machine for you. Reply to the e-mail below and forward your name, complete address, phone # w/area code, serial #, date and location of purchase. I will register the vacuum upon receipt.
Raushanah Davis
Helpline USA
Why don't Dyson's new machines have wheels?
Find out why balls are better: http://www.dyson.com/usa/dysonball.asp