Is it time again for sexual harassment prevention training?

Most California employers know about the mandatory sexual harassment awareness training. Are you up to date? If not, it could mean big trouble.

I was reading my October edition of HR Magazine and saw a headline that caught my attention, "Survey: 10% of Employees Report Harassment at Work". The article discussed global trends from a recent survey by Reuters-Ipsos and pointed out that 8% of respondents from the US claimed they have been victims of sexual harassment. These figures suggest that many workplaces are at risk for harassment claims if employers aren't diligent about prevention.


The minimum requirement for California employers with 50 or more employees is two hours of training every two years for supervisors. (New supervisors must be trained within six months.)  Your company may be out of compliance if the last time your offered this training was 2008 or earlier. And be careful - not all programs offered are fully compliant. You can view all of the regulations on the Fair Employment and Housing Commission website.


Do your employees want practical training that isn't boring?

Toister Performance Solutions, Inc. offers fun, interactive, and informative sexual harassment prevention training. You can learn more about our class or request a quote.