An article in the latest issue of Fast Company magazine provides some great lessons on effectively engaging customers through social media. It uses real data and real companies to highlight each of the key points. The first comparision was Dunkin' Donuts vs. Starbucks. Dunkin' Donuts has approximately 80% fewer Facebook and Twitter followers, but those people are 35% more likely to recommend the brand. Quality clearly seems to work better than quantity in this case.
Read the article from Fast Company
The common themes from this study support the findings from my social media experiment. Here are a few of my take-aways from the article:
Engaging your customers leads to better results than just generating buzz
Not every company needs to use social media
The key is communicating with your customers and not just at them
Success stories wanted... It is sometimes easier to identify what isn't working than to see what does work well. If you know of a social media success story, please share it by commenting below.