There's a cool feature on that let's any user curate a playlist of training videos.
I've used it to create a playlist that's specifically geared for service leaders. My Customer Service Leadership playlist contains six courses that you can use to become a great customer service manager.
This post provides an overview of the training and tips on how to maximize your learning. Best of all, I'll show you how to access this training for free!
Playlist Overview
Here's a description of the six courses on the playlist, along with my rational for including them.
Managing a Customer Service Team, by Jeff Toister
Learn the basics of managing a customer service team. I included this course because it was designed to provide a thorough introduction to customer service management.
Coaching and Developing Employees, by Lisa Gates
Learn how to coach, transform, and empower employees and teams in ways that increase retention and improve the bottom line. This course will help you develop one of the most important skills a leader can have.
Getting Things Done, by David Allen
Learn the art of getting things done with world-renowned productivity expert David Allen. Managers are always pressed for time, but this course can really help. I've been using David Allen's principles myself since 2001 with great success.
Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service, by Jeff Toister
Learn how to design and implement customer service surveys, and turn the data into actions that can improve service quality. This will help you obtain essential data to make your team, and your organization, even stronger.
The Manager's Guide to Managing Expectations, by Jeff Toister
Learn to identify what a typical customer expects, where those expectations come from, and where your organization might be vulnerable. You can use this course to help prevent service failures from happening.
Quick Fixes for Poor Customer Service, by Jeff Toister
Discover simple solutions to instantly improve customer service. Things occasionally go wrong, but this course can help you quickly identify straightforward solutions.
Maximize Your Learning
Start by establishing a few learning goals for yourself.
Think about the specific skills would you like to learn. Determine how will you apply this skills in your role as a leader. Most important, consider how these skills can help you improve you and your team's performance
Next, decide what content best matches your needs. If you're new to leadership, you might take the courses from start to finish. Or, if you are an experienced customer service manager, you might browse through the content to pick and choose topics that best fit your needs.
Finally, be prepared to practice new skills as you learn them. You don't have to watch the videos all the way through! They're designed to allow you to watch a short segment, try out what you learned, and then continue watching.
Perfecting the art of practice is a major way to improve the value of training.
Accessing the Playlist
You'll need a account to access the playlist.
Remember when I mentioned I'd show you how to take these courses for free? You can get a 10-day trial that will give you access to the entire library!
Once you're logged in, visit my Customer Service Leadership playlist and start learning!